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Tips for Getting Started Correctly........


You will have the most success if you follow the original protocol. Found in the book ‘POUNDS AND INCHES’ writing by DR. SIMEONS. I suggest that anyone should undertake something like this without first doing their homework. You will find a lot of forums, etc. where people follow Kevin Trudeau’s guide, but there are a number of things we have found that do not work for everyone, so for the best results we recommend that you follow the original protocol. You may need to try different dosages to see what works best for your body.


Start at 10 drops, three times a day and increase to 20 drops, three times a day after you begin the low calorie diet. The average person does best at 20 drops 3 times per day. The maximum dosage is 96 drops total per day. 


Before you begin:

It is suggested that you give your body a little cleansing prior to starting the diet, especially if it is your first time and you have been eating carbs, sugars and other processed foods.

Load, Load, Load!






Loading is key to making this a success for you! Those who do not load correctly experience hunger during the first three to four days of the low calorie diet, while those who load correctly report low-to-no hunger. Make sure you take the drops on loading days. According to Dr. Simeons it takes 3 days before the abnormal fat is available for fuel for the body. This is why we recommend loading 3 days. Dr Simeons also states in Pounds and Inches if you have been on a restrictive diet prior to protocol you may need to load for a full week. The loading works to prepare your fat stores for protocol. Begin taking the drops at 10 drops, three times a day during loading and then increase as needed up to 96 total per day. Dr. Simeons’Protocol states to ‘eat to capacity’ for those first 2-3 days. If you experience a gain while loading, do not be concerned this is lost within the first few days. Consume foods high in fat . Eat as much fatty foods as you can like peanut butter , almond butter, and olive oil. Drizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil on everything! Eat bacon, sausage, pepperoni, and load lots of butter on veggies. Eat ice cream, real whip cream, chocolates, french fries, loaded baked potato, pizza, cream, cheese, etc. You get the idea! Load to your capacity.



                                       DON’T CHEAT!    



It just takes away precious losing time. You may not see the effects of cheating the next morning when you step on the scale, however, you will see it show on the scale for up to 3 days and some have reported that it can take up to a week of no weight loss for just one cheat.





There is alot of talk about whether or not to eat grissini or Melba toast. I believe that it was in the original protocol for a reason and therefore should not be eliminated. Many have the opinion that if you avoid these carbs in P2, you will have trouble tolerating them in P3 and P4. You can remove it if you stall, but most do not see a difference and miss the crunchy snack. You can find it at most health-based grocery stores . You can also order it online. Don’t be concerned that they have EVOO in them. They had it when Dr. Simeons developed the protocol.


Sugar Substitutes


Use Stevia for sweetening. I strongly recommend not using Splenda and other artificial sweetener.

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